Because Only Together We Can

Build a World Where All Children Are Safe, Strong & Valued

What We Do


— We Find & Fund

We work in partnerships with district and community leaders, local civil society organizations and school administrations to deliver programmes that have a lasting impact, inspire change and uphold children’s rights.

— We Build Networks

Since 2016, our work in Uganda directly reached 4,500 people, including 3,000 children, and indirectly benefited a further five thousand.

— We Strengthen

Right Education Foundation has worked in Uganda since 2016 and has programmes throughout the country. Our work supports long-term development, and bridges the gap between the children and the school.


FRED MUKISA IKOBA – Board Chairman
Fred is a Born-Again Christian who has served the Lord since 1975. He has passion for people having spent most of his early years serving God in church. Fred is a retired qualified accountant who worked with different agencies including Vivo Energy the company which is in charge of monitoring Shell Fuel Stations within Uganda. Fred is a married man with a family. He has mentored quite a good number of children and has inspired many youths to become great in life.
CHARLES MPANGA – Executive Director
Charles is a qualified teacher from Kyambogo University in Uganda. He is a Born-Again Christian who has passion for community transformation through children and youths empowerment. Although Charles had a father, he grew up in the hands of a single mother as a result of Gender Based Domestic Violence that saw his mother divorce when he was just 6 years old. Charles went through numerous kinds of torture.
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