Who We Are

Our Approach

Our work supports long-term development, and bridges the gap between the children and the school.

Right Education Foundation commonly known as REF – UGANDA was established in 2016 by a group of young and energetic people who were highly motivated and committed for contributing their time, skills and energies for the development and empowerment of socio- economically disadvantaged and vulnerable communities in Uganda, Promoting quality Education, addressing poverty-linked issues and fight against gender based discriminations.
REF Uganda is a development organization. It’s a non-government and not-for-profit organization working for social development of vulnerable children and less developed youths in rural areas of Uganda. It’s a human-centered NGO. REF Uganda could also be labeled as an implementing organization which designs and implements various developmental projects with the financial and technical support of the local community leaderships, agencies and donors.

— Our Mission

To work for the development and empowerment of socio-economically disadvantaged children and the youths in Uganda and assist them in addressing their poverty-linked issues.

— Our Vision

A poverty-free and empowered society where all children can access quality but affordable holistic education.


  1. Professionalism
  2. Integrity
  3. Transparency
  4. Equity
  5. Compassion
  6. Spirituality

FRED MUKISA IKOBA – Board Chairman

Fred is a Born-Again Christian who has served the Lord since 1975. He has passion for people having spent most of his early years serving God in church. Fred is a retired qualified accountant who worked with different agencies including Vivo Energy the company which is in charge of monitoring Shell Fuel Stations within Uganda. Fred is a married man with a family. He has mentored quite a good number of children and has inspired many youths to become great in life. Fred is the overall overseer of all the REF activities within and outside Uganda.

CHARLES MPANGA – Executive Director

Charles is a qualified teacher from Kyambogo University in Uganda. He is a Born-Again Christian who has passion for community transformation through children and youths empowerment. Although Charles had a father, he grew up in the hands of a single mother as a result of Gender Based Domestic Violence that saw his mother divorce when he was just 6 years old. Charles went through numerous kinds of torture.
Since his qualification in 2007, Charles has taught in different schools within Uganda both in urban and rural areas including but not limited to Kampala Junior Academy. He is currently the Executive Director of Right Education Foundation, Lead Pastor at New Hope Children’s Church, Team leader at Bethel Children’s Ministry and Managing Director at Christel Junior School – Namayumba. Charles believes in the value of DEI meaning Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. He believes that everyone has the potential to perform well if given an opportunity.

His vision is to preach the word of God and introduce the power of Jesus in people’s lives and also offer an opportunity to every vulnerable child / orphans living in rural areas to attain free excellent and holistic education by setting up model schools for Pre-Primary, Primary , Secondary schools and technical institutions for quality education within each of the five regions of Uganda. To date, Charles has positively impacted the lives of over 1,000 children through the foundation. Some of these children are right now studying in High schools while others are enrolled in universities and colleges. Charles has worked with different teams right from teachers and other grass root organizations since 2010 to bring out transformation in communities through engaging children and youths in educational activities. He aims at offering holistic Christian based education to all the children that God has entrusted us with.

MARY HOPE – Finance Director

With her experience in Finance Management, Mary is a strong backbone of the organization’s finance management. Mary is a professional secretary, Human Resource Manager and an Administrator as well from both Bugema and Ndejje Universities respectively. Mary is a co-founder of Right Education Foundation, a mother of 4 children and a worship leader. Besides her career, Mary is a Gospel Artist who composes and records songs that inspire people to dwell in the presence God. Given the fact that Right Education Foundation operates from rural areas, most of Mary’s songs are composed in local language – Luganda which is mostly used and understood by the people in the communities we serve. Even before her wedding in 2013, Mary was already taking care of 6 children whereby two of them were being housed in her single rented room. Mary adopted Bright Mukisa before he had lost his mother, she has seen Bright grow from a toddler to a big boy who is studying in a secondary school at the moment. Her passion for children is never ending; she served as a Sunday school teacher ministering to the children at Kampala Living Streams Church found in Muyenga from 2008 to 2015.
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